Quick Tips: Finding Your Career Path

How To Find Your Career Path

As college or graduate school winds down and graduation approaches, thinking about your post-graduation plans can be stressful. If you don’t have a job, don’t worry just yet, you’re not alone. You can make it happen by getting organized and doing your research. My biggest tip, of course, is to have a system for getting through the application and interview process but that’s for another post. The big problem I faced when I was about to graduate from my undergrad program was that I had no idea what I wanted to do. I had a few interviews by April but […]

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How To Get Into Graduate School

How To Get Into Grad School

Two and half weeks. That’s how long I have in my 2-year Master’s program. Not only is that exciting, it’s also pretty nerve-wracking considering the final projects and assignments I’ll need to finish by then. It’s even scarier when considering the fact that a huge capstone project that involves a business sponsor and multiple team members and hundreds of hours of time spent will be due in exactly 2 weeks and 2 days. Nevertheless, the deadlines will come and go, and everyone will go their separate ways. So this got me thinking about where I was a few years ago… […]

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